Why I Doula
Photo By Regan House Photo
This birth was so moving and affirming for me - birth work is really hard. Because it’s so big and impactful, because I believe in it and the purpose of it so much, it’s easy for me to tell myself I’m not good enough, not aware enough or gentle enough or skilled enough, I have very high standards for the type of support I offer and can easily leave feeling defeated if whoever I was hired to support didn’t have their dream experience.
I actually entertained the idea of not doing births after a string of hard and trying births. It’s draining in a way you can’t explain - you try not to carry the weight of their experience and feelings but we’re human and you do. When it comes down to it I really believe once a birth worker always a birth worker, it’s a type of heart centered way of servicing people that’s built around awe and appreciation for life and all the ways it unfolds.
Witnessing magic be born between two people whose only intentions are to create love and watch it grow and make the world a better place, is healing for everyone involved. I am honored to be welcomed and embraced in a space that is honest and genuinely human, and that people trust me enough to carry them through that space. I’m forever bonded to my clients for this reason.
Birth matters, birth is huge, it’s important; and anyone who does work to heal this impacted area of our society I think is doing big work, the parents who seek education and information to do it better are doing important work, when we say birth matters - we are saying that life matters. When we put our hearts and intentions into birth we’re saying we believe in the idea that tomorrow is important and that how a family feels tomorrow and every day after is important.
Thank you for this work, all my families I have met through this have healed parts of me that had lost faith in this sometimes tangled mess of a world - you’ve shown that there is a tomorrow and that’s more than enough for me.